Media Contact: Cedric Millar
Sophie Lalonde or
(905) 482-7039 (office) or
(888) 998-1009 (toll free)
Media Contact: QFMA
Marie-Eve Boucher or
514-866-3631 ext. 209
The Better Way Program: Quebec’s first pooled transportation program for the
furniture industry
Montreal, December 1, 2021 – The Quebec Furniture Manufacturers Association (QFMA) is
launching the first supply chain optimization program for the furniture manufacturing sector in
The objective of this program is twofold: to reduce the ecological footprint of the furniture
industry in Quebec, and to allow manufacturers to lower their transportation costs, giving them
an advantage over the competition. Indeed, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is an
important concern for the QFMA and its members
“We have to do our part as an industry. We believe that the consumption of fossil fuels for the
transportation of Quebec-made furniture can be significantly reduced through the pooling of
transportation,” explains Gilles Pelletier, CEO of the QFMA.
The program, supported by the Ministère de l’Économie et de l’Innovation, is being
implemented in collaboration with Cedric Millar, Canada’s leading 4PL provider, which offers
supply chain solutions in Canada and the United States
“Cedric Millar is pleased to partner with the QFMA on its Better Way program,” says Brian
Ware, Managing Director of Cedric Millar Integrated Solutions. “The program provides a clear
competitive advantage, through increased efficiency, for QFMA members during this time of
widespread supply chain instability. We are excited to support this ambitious program, and to
fully leverage the strength of the Quebec furniture market across North America.”
The program is currently in the measurement phase: several companies are participating in the
data collection that will allow, within a year, to set achievable and significant targets that will
become an industry standard.
“We are among the first participants in this evaluation phase of the new program and are very
excited about the potential gains in efficiency and emissions reductions,” said Simon Lapointe,
Vice President, Finance at Artopex.
This program aims for major improvements in terms of cost savings, competitiveness, efficiency
and the environment. The QFMA will actively promote the program to its members and have
confidence that a large number of companies will eventually join.
About Cedric Millar
Cedric Millar Integrated Solutions is a leading Canadian 4PL provider specializing in: Intelligent Supply
Chain Solutions, Transportation & Warehouse Management, Freight Brokerage Services, Small Package
Services, Dedicated/Fleet Management Solutions, Pro-Fit® Placement Services, Freight Audit & Payment
Services, Business Intelligence & Reporting, and Consulting & Engineering Services. Cedric Millar’s robust
experience, and ultimate pursuit, is in building and executing optimized supply chain solutions for
shippers and manufacturers across North America. Cedric Millar leverages their best-in-class suppliers
and technology to drive service and process improvements – resulting in reduced costs and enduring
satisfaction for our customers.
Cedric Millar has two locations in the Greater Toronto Area, one in Montreal, and another planned in
Vancouver in 2022, as well as complimentary operations in Cincinnati, Ohio and Los Angeles, California.
For more information, please go to: or call toll-free at 1-888-998-1009
About QFMA (Quebec Furniture Manufacturer’s Association)
The mission of the Quebec Furniture Manufacturers Association is to unite, support and propel the
industry to promote Québec-made furniture, locally and worldwide. Founded in 1942, the non-profit
organization includes the majority of Quebec’s manufacturers of residential, office and institutional
furniture, manufacturers of furniture components, as well as product and service suppliers.
The QFMA also defends the interests of its members and conveys industry issues on various speaking
platforms and to government authorities.